icm Pontezuela

Discipleship School
The mission of the Discipleship School is to create an atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to equip you for an abandoned life for Jesus, help you grow into the likeness of Jesus and help you discover your God-given purpose. This school is an experience built around knowing the person of God and his purposes for your life. Service to the local church, racial reconciliation, biblical instruction, accountability through community, passionate worship, social justice, and spiritual disciplines are all key elements of the school. Our school runs from September to June and meets on Sunday nights.
For over 4 years students in the Discipleship School have been radically transformed as they have met with God and discovered His purposes for them in their next season of life.
Women's Ministry
Here at ICM, we are convinced that our wise and just God created women with a specific role that they should play. In His grace He has provided the women's ministry of the local church to guide us in this regard. This ministry is exclusive for women, in order to instruct them to love God, to love people, to serve and to disciple the next generation.

Youth Ministry
At ICM we believe that God is calling our youth to live for His glory, to proclaim the gospel and to bless the nations. We want to see our young people grow in their passion for Christ and for the proclamation of the gospel in their city and beyond. We believe that teens can begin to change the world today.
We are completely committed to invest in and train the next generation to live for the glory of God. If you are a young person, you should know this: God has an incredible destiny for your life and it begins today.
Children's Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry exists to provide a dynamic and fun environment where children can find God and be encouraged to follow Him from the earliest of ages.
At ICM, we believe that the home is the center of a child's spiritual development (Deuteronomy 6). Our desire is to support parents by teaching the Bible in creative and appropriate ways to inspire our children to love Jesus and love people. Classes are taught by committed volunteers who desire to serve Jesus by serving you and your children.

Sports Ministry
Our Sports ministry is a team that uses sports to connect with and disciple young men. Through preparing them to play sports, the leaders show them the living Word of God and how to become a servant to others and be a blessing to their community.